
وظائف شاغرة لتاريخ : 2015/02/02 19:49 postheadericon

7:49 م

مطلوب حداد أو فني لحام للعمل من السعودية لانقبل الاتصالات من خارج السعودية

مطلوب فني لحام للعمل في مجال الدعاية والإعلان

للعمل بشركة ينبع أرامكو سينوبك ياسرف

nbspعلن شركة ينبع أرامكو سينوبك ياسرف عبر موقعها الالكتروني عن توفر فرص وظيفية إدارية وفنية في مقرها بمدينة ينبع الصناعية بالمسميات التاليةnbsp
مهندس مرافق خدمات الدعم Facility Engineer Support Services
منسق شؤون حكومية Government Affairs Coordinator
أخصائي صحة مهنية Occupational Health Specialist II
أخصائي نظافة صناعية Industrial Hygiene Specialist II
مستشار بيئي Environmental Advisor II
مساعد مهندس Assistant Engineer II
مهندس PMT PMT Engineer III
مهندس PMT PMT Engineer II
كاتب إداري Administration Clerk III
كاتب إداري Administration Clerk II
كاتب إداري Administration Clerk I
مساعد إداري Administrative Assistant II
مساعد إداري Administrative Assistant I
مستشار هندسة الموثوقية Reliability Engineering Consultant
رئيس قسم تخطيط الصيانة Maintenance Planning Section Head
ملاحظ صيانة Maintenance Foreman
مشرف أعلى صيانة Maintenance Superintendent
ملاحظ صيانة Maintenance Foreman
ملاحظ صيانة Maintenance Foreman
مهندس موثوقية قسم الصيانة Reliability Engineer Maintenance Department
فني أنظمة سلامة Safety System Technician
رئيس إطفاء Fire Captain
مفتش الحد من الخسائر Loss Prevention Inspector II Safety amp Industrial Security
مدقق داخلي Internal Auditor IV
موظف اتصال التسويق والمساهمين Marketing amp Shareholder Liaison I amp II Liquid Product Traders
موظف اتصال التسويق والمساهمين Marketing amp Shareholder Liaison I amp II ShortLong Term Planning
موظف اتصال التسويق والمساهمين Marketing amp Shareholder Liaison I amp II Solid Product Traders
مستشار سلامة Safety Advisor
مشرف مناوب Shift Supervisor II Diesel Complex
مشرف مناوب Shift Supervisor I Gasoline Complex Crude OffSite Marine amp Metering
مشغل وحدة التحكم Console Operator I or II OffSite amp Marine amp Metering
مشغل وحدة التحكم Console Operator II Sulfur Block Diesel Complex Crude Delayed Coker amp OffSite
مشغل وحدة التحكم Console Operator I Sulfur Block Diesel Complex amp Crude
مهندس أنظمة تكرير Refining System Engineer
مشرف وحدة تخطيط الانتاج Production Planning Unit Supervisor
أخصائي هندسة العمليات Process Engineering Specialist
مهندس التحكم في العمليات Process Control Engineer
مشرف أعلى هندسة التشغيل Operations Engineering Superintendent
مشرف أعلى تخطيط التصنيع Manufacturing Planning Superintendent
مشرف وحدة التهيئة الاقتصادية Economic Optimization Unit Supervisor
محلل تخطيط الانتاج Production Planning Analyst
منسق مخزون مواد Senior Material Inventory Coordinator II
منسق مخزون مواد Senior Material Inventory Coordinator I
منسق مخزون Inventory Coordinator IV
إداري خدمات عامة General Services Administrator
إداري شؤون حكومية وعلاقات عامة Government Affairs amp Public Relations Administrator
منسق مناسبات وخدمات لوجستية Event amp Logistics Coordinator
ممثل شؤون حكومية Government Affairs Representative
أخصائي أول علاقات عامة Senior Public Relation Specialist
ممثل علاقات عامة PR Pepresentative
منسق مخزون Inventory Coordinator III
منسق مخزون Inventory Coordinator II
منسق مخزون Inventory Coordinator I
فني مختبر كيميائي Laboratory Chemist
ملاحظة جميع الوظائف تتطلب إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية تحدثاً وكتابة.
طريقة التقديم
التقديم متاح حالياً من خلال اختيار الوظيفة وتعبئة الطلب على الرابط التالي httpwww.yasref.comcareersjoinus
تفاصيل أكثر httpwww.yasref.comcareersjoinus

Quality Assurance Specialist

Overall Roles amp Responsibilities
•Create test cases and test plans.
•Test web applications for bugs security threats performance.
•Perform load tests on web applications and their databases.
Use ALM tools to
document and report the test results.

Skills•Good knowledge of latest web technologies is required i.e. HTML5 CSS LESS JQuery Javascript Bootstrap Ajax .. .etc
•Good knowledge in Java C and SQL
•Use well known prototyping tools and simulations in testing.
•Create scenarios to cover both functional and nonfunctional e.g. performance reliability requirements
•Ability to create test cases and fully test the applications and document test results.
•Ability to perform Security threats testing manually and with well known tools.
Required Skill
Education and Experience
•IT Bachelors Degree
•Excellent English skills
•Excellent communications skills
•Good development skills
•5 Years Web Applications QA

•Ability to perform performance and load testing.
•Ability ti test application high availability.
•Test against multiple browsers and mobile platforms.
•Certify an application for production.
•Expected tools to master as part of the job Selenium JMeter SoapUI Bizagi
•Ability to learn new technologies and work as part of a team.
•Work using Team Foundation Server ALM Redmine to document and report bugs.
This job is posted in the following Specialties Programming IT Computers

Consultant Spinal Surgeon



Saudi Board Arab Board American Board FRCPC FRCS MRCP or its equivalent qualification

recognized internationally with 6 years experience post high medical degree in related specialty


مهندس سلامة وصحة مهنية

الوصف الوظيفيالاشراف على اعمال الامن والسلامة المهنية حسب اشتراطات شركة المياة الوطنيةالمهاراتخبرة لاتقل عن 10 سنوات فى مجال الامن والسلامة مع دورات متخصصةالتخصصهندسة

Crew Member

Shake Shackreg is a modern day quotroadsidequot burger stand known for its delicious burgers flattop dogs frozen custard and more. With its fresh and simple highquality food at a great value Shake Shack is a fun and lively place to eat and to work. All of the food at Shake Shack is made to order from burgers to shakes to everything in between and the staff are efficient friendly and proud to welcome you.
The RoleAs a member of our crew and a representative of our brand you will provide customers with excellent customer service ensuring that they have an enjoyable dining experience and want to make return visits.
Qualifications amp Requirements You will ideally have at least 12 years39 experience in a high volume fastpaced restaurant Excellent communications skills in English Arabic would be an advantage Computer knowledge.
Alshaya International Trading Co. one of the world39s leading retail franchise companies operates 40 of the world39s most recognised retail brands in KSA. With over 600 stores we are growing fast and looking for talented individuals to join our team.How To apply please follow this link

سائق توصيل طلبات

الوصف الوظيفييعمل منفردا أو تحت إشراف مراقب حركة ويقوم بتفقد وتشغيل محرك السيارة، يقود السيارة للأمام وللخلف، يراعي تطبيق تعليمات وقواعد وأسس القيادة الصحيحة، يخدم السيارة، يتعامل مع الزبائن بطريقة إيجابية، يعمل إسعافات أولية للركاب عند الجروح والحوادث البسيطة مراعيا بذلك تطبيق شروط وتعليمات السلامة والصحة المهنية. يتفقد مستوى الزيت في المحرك وصندوق السرعات والمحور الخلفي، يتفقد مستوى الماء في المشع، يتفقد أقطاب البطارية ومستوى المحلول فيها، يشغل المحرك، يلاحظ الأداء السليم للأجهزة ومستوى الوقود وضغط الزيت، يقيس الحرارة، يتفقد البطارية، يقود السيارة ويسيطر على جهاز القيادة عند السير المستقيم أو في المنعطفات أو للخلف لمختلف أحوال الطرق، يراعي حالة الطريق عند القيادة الطرق المعبدة، الوعرة، المنحدرات، المرتفعات، الطرق المبتلة أو المنزلقة ، يبدل السرعات حسب متطلبات الطرق بيسر وسهولة، يوقف السيارة حسب الأصول، يراعي إشارات السير على الطرق يراعي تعليمات وقواعد السير على الطرق في المسارب وأسس التجاوز وإعطاء أولوية السير، يستخدم أضوية الإشارة الجانبية عند تغير الاتجاه، يستخدم الأضواء الرئيسية حسب الأصول، يتأكد من استخدام حزام الأمان للسائق والركاب في المقعد الأمامي، يغير زيت المحرك، يغير قشاط المروحة، يتفقد ويخدم عناصر دورة التبريد الخراطيم والمرابط ، يغير توتر قشاط المروحة، يعير ويغير الخلوص في نقاط التماس البلاتين ، يفك وينظف ويغير خلوص شمعات الإشعال، يراقب أداء المحرك ويلاحظ التشغيل غير الطبيعي، يتفقد ويبدل ماسحات الزجاج، يتعامل مع الزبائن ويحمل بطريقة إيجابية أمتعة الزبائن، يعمل إسعافات أولية للركاب عند الحوادث البسيطة، يشغل طفاية الحريق، يطبق قواعد وتعليمات السير والمرور على الطرق.

يعمل على توصيل الطلبات من المقر الى الزيائن

يعمل توصيل و شراء ونقل المتجات من البائع والى المشتري

لدية رخصة قيادة سارية المفعولالمهارات لدية رخصة قيادة سارية المفعول

لا يوجد علية اي مخالفات مرورية سابقة

العمر من 20 الى 40 سنه

يتحمل ضغوط العمل

ملم باحياء مدينة الرياض

مطلوب غدا مهندس تخطيط لشركه مقاولات تصنيف اول

مطلوب مهندس تخطيط
الراتب 5000 ريال
يتوافر الاتى سكن اقامه تامين صحى

للعمل بدول الخليج مطلوب مهندسين مساحة مهندسين مبيعات الميكانيك مهندسين مبيعات الكهرباء

للتعاقد الفوري مطلوب مهندسين مساحة مهندسين مبيعات الميكانيك مهندسين مبيعات الكهرباء
اجادة اللغة الانجليزية رخصة قيادة

حاسب كميات

لكبرى المكاتب الاستشارية بالسعودية مطلوب..
المؤهل بكالوريوس هندسة مدنية
الخبره 4 6 سنوات
الوصف الوظيفي حاسب كميات خبرة بالصرف الصحى والبنية التحتية
الوظيفة متاحة فقط ‫‏للمصرين‬ المقيمين في ‫‏مصر‬
للتقديم يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية على

English Language TeacherInternational Institute for Languages

English Language Teacher International Institute for Languages

National Industrial Training Institute Dammam Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

14400 SAR per month plus free accommodation health coverage visas and return flights

The Companies

Kaplan International Colleges offers university preparation in partnership with leading universities in the UK and US. KIC programmes offer a high level of personal support as well as access to the facilities and resources of our university partners. KIC also operates partnerships in Saudi Arabia Nigeria China Australia and the US preparing students for entry to higher education programmes. International Institute for Languages is a Saudi based company and part of IGIT one of the leading Training and Consultancy Companies in the Middle East. IIL will be the direct employer and will provide all HR related services such as accommodation health coverages visas transportation etc. nbsp

The Client

The National Industrial Training Institute NITI is an independent notforprofit training institution that is established jointly by Saudi Aramco SA and the Technical amp Vocational Training Corporation TVTC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. NITI trains Saudi high school and Colleges of Technology graduates. The main program is of two years followed by 6 to 12 months of OntheJob Training OJT. NITI trainees shall be competent and skilled in their technical specializations proficient in English computer literate amp technology efficient and armed with safety awareness personal discipline and work ethics. NITI operates at two locations in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Abqaiq amp Al Hasa. One location Abqaiq commenced operation in April 2014 with approximately 300 students. In September 2014 a brand new campus in Al Hasa opened with 1000 students and will grow to capacity of 2500 within 3 years. nbspFurther information can be found on the following website You can apply or contact us using the Apply Online Box below.

Kaplan International Colleges will oversee curriculum development and delivery of NITI’s academic training modules which includes English language mathscience and information technology. The curriculum also contains cocurricular elements such as study skills life skills communication skills critical thinking and problem solving etc. Our Saudi project partner International Institute of Languages IIL will be the direct employer incountry and will provide all HR related services such as accommodation health coverages visas transportation etc.

The Role

The International Institute of Languages is seeking experienced individuals for the role of English Teacher for NITI based at the Al Hasa Campus. Reporting to the Senior Teacher the successful candidates will be responsible for the delivery of Kaplan’s English curriculum to national students who need a solid foundation in English which will allow them to enter employment with one of NITI’s partner companies such as Saudi Aramco the state oil company. nbspYou will work in a technologicallyadvanced environment as part of an international team of faculty members.

Duties and Responsibilities

•Teaching English language and Academic Skills modules to NITI students normal teaching load is 25 hours per week.

•Assisting with module examinations and other forms of formative and summative assessment delivery marketing and provision of feedback to students.

•Providing academic leadership and coordination for a designated number of modules in the role of “Module Coordinator”.

•Contributing to the development of supplementary teaching material for modules delivered on NITI programs.

•Providing input for related modules to the annual review and reporting process

•Providing tutorial support to small groups of students

•Maintaining an accurate and uptodate record of student attendance and performance

•Organising accompanying and supervising students on field trips where required.

•Promoting student development through the use of technologybased learning.

•Participating in the development and organization of student projects within class courses and programs.

•Attending and being available to travel for designated meetings workshops systemwide assessment and marking sessions and conferences as part of your duties.

•Participating in student recruitment registration induction and placement activities.

•Participating in cover schedule to substitute for sick colleagues.

•Participating in campus and community events

•Any other duties as required from time to time by line manager

مطلوب سائق للعمل لدى عائلة

مطلوب للعمل في المدينة المنورة لدى عائلة سائق يحمل رخصة قيادة للعمل لمدة شهرين لا يشترط وجود سيارة يفضل من مواليد السعودية

شاب يرغب في العمل

خبرة 10 سنوات في شراء جميع مواد البناء
– معرفة تامة بجميع أحياء وطرق الرياض
مشرف عمال يجيد التعامل مع جميع العمال من الجنسيات المختلفة
– لدية رخصة قيادة سعودية وماهر جدا في قيادة جميع أنواع السيارات
– يجيد الحسابات ومجال المشتريات

Train Master

This position involves all duties and responsibilities associated with the heavy Haul rail transit vehicle operations and work. An employee in this classification is responsible for carrying out those functions pertaining to the safe courteous and efficient operation of assigned vehicles. Responsibilities are not limited to routine operations special operations recovering from on board vehicle failures of a minor nature exercising prudent judgment under a variety of conditions which may occur during a given turn of duty.

Experience may include but not be limited to previous operation of heavy haul rail traffic.
Demonstrated physical ability to perform job duties to include throwing rail switches couplinguncoupling EMD locomotives.

Ability to walk on track ballast on uneven ground sit for an extended period of time and work in various outdoor weather ability to work and maintain professional composure while under stress and pressure ability to be recertified periodically on standard operating procedures as well as through examination on all Rules and as handson proficiency ability to maintain a high performance level of dependability reliability and safety as demonstrated in the past six 6 months by reference documentation by last organization.

Conducts self in an appropriate manner as a representative of SAR uses sound judgment at all times works safely on the job respects coworkers and assures the quality of services to all customers both internal and external.
Reports all unusual occurrences including vehicle and MaintenanceofWay to the train Controller and follows all traffic safety emergency and standard rules and operating procedure.
Makes SAR consist up for service by altering consists as determined by schedule requirements andor Controller\'s instructions and according to standard operating procedures.
Performs visual inspection of trains before beginning service in addition to an end of service inspection following arrival at Ports or mines.
Operate manually all track switches and other wayside equipment as appropriate.
Operates test trains as required for acceptance of equipment and all other tests required which specify the need for train operations.
Completes accident and incident reports accurately at the end of scheduled shift.
SkillsAn equivalent combination of education experience knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics consistent with required qualifications to drive locomotive hauled service trains.

Minimum High school diploma or greater Possessing a continually valid driver\'s license for the past two 2 years. Ability to pass the SAR physical examination by obtaining a Saudi Arabian residence permit.

Ability to obtain and maintain a current valid American rail Driver\'s License with an air brake.
Ability to successfully complete the SAR Operator Training Program in order to be certified and retain a thorough understanding of all new rules and procedures which are in effect.
Ability to use prudent judgment and common sense in making quick safe decisions with minimal supervision and adapt to constantly changing operating environments.
Ability to effectively communicate both orally and in writing while interacting with customers and SAR staff in a courteous professional manner.
Ability to read write and speak English.
Ability to work unusual hours split shifts weekends holidays and overtime as required.

KSA Azizia Panda Supermarket JObs

Job Extract Jerry Varghese Azizia Panda Supermarket JObs Jerry Varghese celebrates 30 plus years of successfully providing professional & workforce recruitment solutions

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